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Tom Mcfarlin

Position: Self-Employed Developer


Hey, what’s up? I’m Tom.

I’m a self-employed developer who builds products and services using WordPress. I also run a small Tumblr called which attempts to humorously capture a day-in-the-life of programmers in the form of animated GIFs.

For Work

As mentioned, I’m self-employed and run a small business called Pressware. I build solutions for others – web applications, sites, themes, plugins, and more – using WordPress.

I also work as the Tuts+ Code editor where I’m responsible for overseeing all of the Web Development and CMS content that’s published via Envato.

You can find a lot of my open source work both in the WordPress Plugin Repository as well as on GitHub (though some of it’s quite old and outdated so be mindful of the dates in the repository). I generally try to keep as many repositories as updated as possible, but contracts and clients come first so those projects generally take a backseat.